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Be Like You Are : 발레 클래스 음악

Artist :

나르민 엘리아소바

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나르민 엘리아소바의 두 번째 정규 앨범

발레클래스를 위한 <Be Like You Are>

독일 함부르크 발레단 수석피아니스트의

생동감 있는 즉흥 피아노 연주가

2024년 10월의 마지막 날 여러분을 찾아갑니다.

바, 센터, 포인트 웍까지 다채로운 그녀의 음악과 함께

발레클래스 음악의 묘미를 느껴보세요.


01. Révérence 1

02. Plié

03. Battemant Tendu 1

04. Battemant Tendu 2

05. Battement Jeté 1

06. Battement Jeté 2

07. Rond de Jambe à Terre

08. Battement Fondu 1

09. Battement Fondu 2

10. Battement Frappé & Petit Battement

11. Rond De Jambe en L' air 1

12. Rond de Jambe en L' air 2

13. Pour Batterie

14. Battement Développé 1

15. Battement Développé 2

16. Grand Battement 1

17. Grand Battement 2

18. Relevé

19. Adagio

20. C. Battement Tendu & Jeté 1

21. C. Battement Tendu & Jeté 2

22. C. Battement Fondu

23. C. Grand Battement

24. Chassé 1

25. Chassé 2

26. Changement

27. Glissade & Assemblé

28. C. Jeté

29. Sissonne Fermée

30. Sissonne Ouverte

31. Medium Allegro

32. Pirouette & Tour

33. Piqué Turns & Chaîné

34. Grand Allegro

35. Port de Bras

36. Relevé

37. Échappé

38. Passé

39. Pirouette 1

40. Pirouette 2

41. Emboîté

42. Pas de Chat 1

43. Pas de Chat 2

44. Fouetté

45. Waltz

46. Maneges 1

47. Manèges 2

48. Big Pirouette For Men 1

49. Big Pirouette For Men 2

50. Révérence 2


Produced by 정소영 (Soyoung Joung)

All Piano Performed by 나르민 엘리아소바(Narmin Elyasova)

Composed & Arranged by 나르민 엘리아소바

Recording 김나연 @Dongaknua

Mixing & Mastering by Liky @Dongaknua

Marketing Management by 박은지

Art Worked by 정소영

Media Planning by 구본승

A&R Director by 이정림

A&R by 홍효민

Performing Arts 원서희

Media Marketing & Promotion 현수린

Created by 동아크누아


805, 806ho, 9, Segye-ro, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea


9 Segye-ro, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do

Gangwon Innovation Knowledge Industry Center 805, 806

T: 033-766-5010  FX: 02-6442-2901



Dong Ah Knua/Jeong So-young

Company Registration Number585-75-00192

​Mail order business report numberNo. 2017-Gangwon Wonju-00484

Business Number

Album Dongaknua 502-97-09870

​Publishing Dong Akhnua 213-96-12371

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